Load balancers
Load Balancers
RackCorp Load Balancers are designed to be easy to use for automation, while also being globally relevant. By selecting the scope, they can be deployed both globally using public IPs, or can act locally acting as a LAN-based load balancer.
cmd style:
REST style:
POST /loadbalancer/
PUT /loadbalancer/{id}
DELETE /loadbalancer/{id}
GET /loadbalancer/{id}
GET /loadbalancer/
The difference between GLB (Global Load BalancerBalancer), and HTTP (HTTP Load Balancer) is that GLB Relevant:type may make use of a global mesh of proxies to speed up traffic delivery, whereas HTTP will always go direct from wherever the traffic lands. GLB is only available for global scope, and cannot be used when you're connecting your LB to a private network.
You can combine GLB and HTTP together to get the power of global load balancers + local LB capability, just specify your local LB hostname as the backend for the GLB.
GLB / HTTP / TCP Load Balancer:
GlobalHTTP Load Balancers are designed to provide globally optimal connectivity for customers connecting to HTTP/HTTP-based services. RackCorp managed a global anycast network of load balancers. Redundancy for our load balancers is automatically handled by our systems delivering high-performance, low-latency load balancing.
"id": __LBID__,
"cmd": "loadbalancer.XXXXXXXX",
"name": "Test GLB",
"hostname": "XXXXXX.glb.XXXXXXXXX.com",
"type": "GLB",
"checkmode": "HTTP",
"checkmethod": "GET",
"checkurl": "/",
"backend_hostname_force": "www.backendhostname.com",
"aliases": [
"backends": [
"hostname": "www.hostnameoriptoconnectto.com",
"weight": 100,
"port": 443,
"tls": true
Required for: update, delete, get
Integer: The ID of the load balancer instance, as returned by a create, update, get, getall operation
Only required for cmd style, otherwise auto-determined via REST style
String: Name, useful for customerpublic toand understandprivate inservices GUI / billing
String: GLB
hostname: (Returned by API only)
String: Hostname for customer to point their DNS to as a CNAME. Effective immediately upon creation.
String: "TCP" ensures a TCP connection can be made to the backend else it is deemed offline. "HTTP" performs HTTP healthcheck using checkmethod/checkurl/checkhost below. "" means backend is always treated as online (can cause delays if a backend is offline)
String: GET or POST. Defaults to GET
String: URI to use for healthchecks. defaults to "/"
String: Host header to use for healthchecks. defaults to HTTP/1.0 (No host header)
backend_hostname: (Optional)
String: override Host header. Defaults to off (http Host header pass-through)
aliases: (Required)
Array of String:
String: hostname of frontend to use. Domain base must exist in domain approvals.
backends: (Required)
Array of backend:
String: hostname or IP address of the backend server to use. Hostname minimum resolution is 30 seconds.
Integer: Value 1-64 indicating the probability relative to all backend total weight that this backend will be used
Integer: TCP/UDP port number
Boolean: true / false ifwhere TLS iscertificates meantare tohandled beautomatically, usedand formultiple the backend. Defaults to SSL if port 443 is selected.
String: Optionally customer-supplied UUID thatbackends can be used for backend update commands
Integer: If a backend is not updated for ttl seconds, then it is automatically removed
"id": __LBID__,
"cmd": "loadbalancer.XXXXXXXX",
"name": "Test GLB",
"hostname": "XXXXXX.glb.XXXXXXXXX.com",
"type": "GLB",
"checkmode": "HTTP",
"checkmethod": "GET",
"checkurl": "/",
"backend_hostname_force": "www.backendhostname.com",
"aliases": [
"backends": [
"hostname": "www.hostnameoriptoconnectto.com",
"weight": 100,
"port": 443,
"tls": true
TCP Load Balancer TCP Relevant:
TCP Load Balancers are useful for public and private services where only TCP-layer is required.
HTTP and TCP Load Balancers can also be deployed with direct LAN access, bridging the public and private network layers viaby secureway TCPof application proxy.
"id": __LBID__,
"cmd": "loadbalancer.XXXXXXXX",
"name": "Test GLB",
"type": "GLB",
"hostname": "XXXXXX.glb.XXXXXXXXX.com",
"checkmode": "TCP",
"aliases": [
"backends": [
"hostname": "www.hostnameoriptoconnectto.com",
"tcpproxy": 2,
"weight": 100,
"port": 443,
"tls": true
Required for: update, delete, get
Integer: The ID of the load balancer instance, as returned by a create, update, get, getall operation
Only required for cmd style, otherwise auto-determined via REST style
String: Name, useful for customer to understand in GUI / billing
String: GLB, HTTP, TCP
hostname: (Returned by API only)
String: Hostname for customer to point their DNS to as a CNAME. Effective immediately upon creation. Regional static global IPs are available for root domains (contact support).
String: "TCP" ensures a TCP connection can be made to the backend else it is deemed offlineoffline. (Default). "HTTP" performs HTTP healthcheck using checkmethod/checkurl/checkhost below. "" assumes themeans backend is always treated as online (can cause delays if a backend is offline)
String: GET or POST. Defaults to GET
String: URI to use for healthchecks. defaults to "/"
String: Host header to use for healthchecks. defaults to HTTP/1.0 (No host header)
backend_hostname: (Optional, applicable for type = GLB or HTTP)
String: override Host header. Defaults to off (http Host header pass-through)
aliases: (Required, applicable for type: GLB and HTTP)
Array of String:
String: hostname of frontend to use. Domain base must exist in domain approvals.
String: "global" (default). Provides access to a global set of anycasted TCPload balancers directly connecting to the noted backends.
"local". Provides a local network load balancer instance. Requires scope_networkid.
scope_networkid: (Required, only applicable for scope = local)
The IPNetwork ID of the local network where this is to be deployed to. Network must have available IPs, and you must be using portal-registered IPs to avoid collissions. By default this will use the highest available IPs for the requested IPNetwork. If no IPs are available, it will fail.
scope_instances: (Optional, defaults 1)1, only applicable for scope = local)
Number of load balancer instances to run simultaneously. Note that Load Balancer fees are charged per-instance.
backends: (Required)
Array of backend:
String: hostname or IP address of the backend server to use. Hostname minimum resolution is 30 seconds.
Integer: Enable TCP PROXY protocol. Only supports blank (no proxy), or 2 for version 2
Integer: Value 1-64100 indicating the probability relative to all backend total weight that this backend will be used
Integer: TCP/UDPTCP port number
Boolean: true / false if TLS is meant to be used for the backend
String: Optionally customer-supplied UUID that can be used for backend update commands (See backend updating)
Integer: If a backend is not updated for ttl seconds, then it is automatically removed (See backend updating)
Backend Updating:
A lightweight API call can be used to update the backends using the UUID. Using this, all other UUID's remain untouched, only if there is a matching UUID will that backend be updated. If there is no matching UUID, then a new one is created.
Combine this function with use of backend TTLs to enable auto-registration / availability / removal of backends.
"cmd": "loadbalancer.backend.update",
"id": __LBID__,
"backends": [
"hostname": "",
"port": 80,
"weight": 100
"tls": false,
"ttl": 600,
"hostname": "",
"port": 80,
"weight": 100,
"tls": "false"
"ttl": 600,