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User Collaboration

Enterprise-Ready Collaboration

As a team grows, the complexities of interactions involving documents, media, and emails also grows.  RackCorp UMS provides the tools for enterprises to not such collaborate internally, but to do so securely, and efficiently.

Secure Storage

RackCorp is a Infrastructure provider with a significant client-base in the high-security space, dealing with government, banking, and sensitive telecommunications networks.  Our whole DNA is about providing tools to organisations to manage their data safely, avoiding many of the risks of foreign spying:

  • Open-source project code
    RackCorp makes significant use of Open-source projects in all services that we provide.  RackCorp UMS is made up of proven open-source systems that power some of the worlds largest projects including the key products:
     - Postfix, Courier, Roundcube, NextCloud, Zulip
    RackCorp has made significant investment into auditing changes in these projects for security risks to our most sensitive customers, and makes ongoing investment into making a seamless integration between these products for our clients.
  • 24x7 Security Operations Center
    Based in Sydney, Australia, RackCorp's security NOC is staffed with some of the industry's most experienced security professionals.  We also specialise in security event correlation and management, with government-grade tools to protect our customer's communications and assets.
  • Data-Sovereignty
    Unlike the hyperscaler cloud providers, RackCorp openly invites our customers to come see our datacenter POPs where we store your data, safely and encrypted at-rest.  We also provide on-prem and BYO datacenter options if you wish for RackCorp to deploy our UMS solution into your organisation.


A significant threat to any organisation is the unauthorised use of third party cloud software for the sharing, editing, and collaboration of sensitive materials.  This can result in significant financial penalties from regulators and governments for allowing employeesto get around SOC compliance.  The use of tools such as WhatsApp, DropBox, and Gmail have become significant problems, and regulators have already started issuing penalties in the millions of dollars to companies who continue to allow their employees to have secret hidden chats about business that otherwise needs to be permanently recorded for legal reasons.

Often the use of these apps by employees is not driven through nefarious purposes, but through necessity, caused by the slowness and feature-lacking nature of enterprise systems, or simply the lack of mobility of in-house systems.

RackCorp UMS specifically addresses the use of these third-party apps, but bringing to employees, fast, efficient, and "fun-to-use" applications.  Specifically, the employees are more likely to use an enterprise's communications systems if they feel they're being helped, not slowed down by their use.


Sharing of files within an organisation is an important part of enterprise collaboration.  The RackCorp UMS makes sharing of files very easy for users, while maintaining security and ability to control where the data sits physically.  Options exist to share files:

  • Internally within an organisation using resource links
    • Allows common editing of documents
    • Collaborative, change tracked editing of documents
    • Single storage of files, saving on underlying infrastructure costs
    • Reduction of public network traffic, resulting in significant network savings
  • Externally from an organisation using resource links
    • Useful because external links can be cancelled, blocking future access to files


Documents, Spreadsheets, Presentations

With use of the powerful LibreOffice online hosted platform, documents can be edited directly inside a web browser.

  • No Expensive Office Tools Licensing Required!
  • No Third-Party Externally Hosted Providers Required!
  • No need to install and support desktop and mobile software applications!
  • All document editing done within your secure environment.


Online editing of documents can be done in real-time, allowing staff to operate on the same files simultaneously:

Document types supported:

Word / Writer, Excel / Calc, Powerpoint / Impress


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