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Android Phone and Tablets

Help and Support EN E-mail Settings

For Android based phones, tablets, Chromebook and IoT devices, there are a number of options of...

Updated 11 months ago by RackCorp

Apple iPhone and iPad

Help and Support EN E-mail Settings

POP/IMAP manual setup Figure 43 Navigate to the settings icon in your idevice, and then Pass...

Updated 11 months ago by RackCorp



Rackcorp has migrated many of its functionalities to work with REST API architecture to modernize...

Updated 11 months ago by Otto

Basic E-Mail Settings

Help and Support EN E-mail Settings

RackCorp supports mail auto discovery. This is a feature built into modern email clients that all...

Updated 11 months ago by RackCorp

Bind DNS

Help and Support EN Applications

Common Issues Issue: server booted with a time in the future, and bind / named downloaded the tr...

Updated 11 months ago by Stephen D

Virtual Server BGP Settings

Help and Support EN

BGP Configuration for RackCorp AS56038 All RackCorp VMs globally are capable of advertising pref...

Updated 11 months ago by Stephen D

RackCorp Datacenter Locations and Codes

Help and Support EN

Datacenter Codes and Test IPs The codes below identify the locations of servers both at order ti...

Updated 11 months ago by Stephen D

RackCorp BGP Communities

Help and Support EN

RackCorp is currently undergoing a transition to our BGP model globally.  If you notice a combina...

Updated 11 months ago by Stephen D

Self-Signed SSL certificates

Help and Support EN

Navigating OpenSSL can be tricky with a number of command line chains to memorise, that generate ...

Updated 11 months ago by KonS

Update BookStack on RackCorp

Help and Support EN

- For RackCorp Web Hosting Platform Only - 1. Login to the hosted website shell using a local us...

Updated 11 months ago by RackCorp

Windows L2TP/IPsec VPN Client Configuration

Help and Support EN

For Windows 8, 10, 11 1. Open Control panel and select Network and Sharing center.   2. Ch...

Updated 11 months ago by KonS

Security Token How-To

Help and Support EN

1. Choose user  Log into the portal using your username and password and navigate to ADMINISTRAT...

Updated 11 months ago by KonS

Getting started with S3 storage on RackCorp Hybrid Cloud - Windows & Mac

Help and Support EN

This document will cover the basics to get up and running to use RackCorp’s S3 storage service, i...

Updated 11 months ago by RackCorp

Начало работы с хранилищем S3 в гибридном облаке RackCorp

Help and Support RU

 В этом документе будут рассмотрены основы использования службы хранилища RackCorp S3, включая на...

Updated 1 year ago by KonS

Местоположение датацентров RackCorp и их Коды

Help and Support RU

Коды датацентров и тестовые IP-адреса Приведенные ниже коды определяют расположение серверов как...

Updated 1 year ago by KonS


Help and Support RU RackCorp REST API

Rackcorp перенесла многие из своих функций для работы с архитектурой REST API, чтобы модернизиров...

Updated 1 year ago by KonS

Начало работы с rclone для хранилища RackCorp S3 - Windows

Help and Support RU

rclone - это мультиплатформенный инструмент с открытым исходным кодом для управления облачным хра...

Updated 1 year ago by KonS

RackCorp BGP Communities (Сообщества)

Help and Support RU

В настоящее время RackCorp осуществляет глобальный переход на модель BGP. Если Вы заметили, комби...

Updated 1 year ago by KonS

S3 Настройки Хранилища

Help and Support RU

S3 Регионы Хранения Австралия Код региона Имя региона au Australia au-nsw Au...

Updated 1 year ago by KonS

Popular Settings

News and Annoucements

You will find instructional guides on how to setup cloud services on the platform un...

Updated 1 year ago by RackCorp